Soil Treatment to Eliminate Termites

Soil treatment to eliminate termites

Soil treatment is only for subterranean termites. Subterranean termites, the most common type, live in colonies in the ground, about 12 feet below the surface. Each colony is built around a queen, whose sole purpose is reproduction.

mujer pisando suelo danado por termitas

Termites form airtight tubes and not necessarily in wood

Worker termites “travel” within the colony and food sources that include wood fibers and other forms of cellulose that they eat, digest, and share with other members of their colony. If they are unable to immediately find a source of wood, these determined little engineers build airtight tubes that run from their colony in the ground to a wood source. These tubes climb walls, along pipes, around so-called “termite shields,” and can even break free from any support. This allows worker termites to travel from the food source to their colony and vice versa.

Worker termites collect moisture for themselves and provide nutrition to members of their colony.

madera con termitas

Eliminate the problem immediate before it becomes worse

A termite’s constant traveling is where their weakness lies. Anticipate it and you can easily prevent further damage to your home. The only proven way of doing this is by placing a chemical barrier that worker termites cannot pass or survive.

We use materials that have been proven to be effective in eliminating termites

By treating the soil and floor in and around your home with an effective material against termites, you can prevent them from traveling into your home. Termites that are already in your home will return the way they came, encountering the barrier and dying off quickly. Those on the other side of the barrier cannot reach your home, leading them to find a different source of food.

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Key Benefits of Soil Treatment

It’s safe! The material is injected into the soil where it crystallizes and stays.
Much more effective than alternative treatments.
Protects your home
The barriers can protect your home for years (in ideal conditions).

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